Yoga Videos for Purchase
All Classes are Forrest Yoga blended with a hatha vinyasa.
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Payments can be made through Venmo..
Venmo: Molly Vogel @ MSVyoga
Tailored Yoga Videos
Specialized to what your body needs
For Individuals or Groups
Includes email communications and live consultation in order to make the perfect yoga video just for you!
Contact Molly for an interview to discuss designing your class
Gentle Yoga
to gain mobility and strength
beginner/all level
41 minutes
Slow moving yoga to practice balance and build muscle strength while gaining mobility
Vinyasa to Clear the Mind
to get your mind off things
all level
35 minutes
With options to up level or modify, get out of your head and into feeling your body with this uplifting class!
Yoga for Knee, Hip & Leg Flexibility
alignment focused
beginner/all level
33 minutes
Floor class brings awareness, flexibility and healing to joints to get out of pain and gain mobility.
Strengthening Standing Poses & Knee Healing
balance & alignment
beginner/all level
34 minutes
Learn proper alignment for your body, joint stability, balance and core strength
Energizing Yoga #1
back flexibility
41 minutes
all level
Shoulder and front body opening for back flexibility. Deep lunges into heart openers
Energizing Yoga #2
toning for legs, butt & abs
all level
29 minutes
Challenging vinyasa flow style to get long and lean. Focused on deep breaths through longer holds and balancing poses
Energizing Yoga #3
hip mobility & low ab strength
all level
42 minutes
Find ease of movement in challenging core strengthening and balance poses
Energizing Yoga #4
chest openers into backbends
all level
44 minutes
Safely lift and open the upper body from a strong foundation of leg strength
Yoga Challenge to Tone
strengthen core & lower body
27 minutes
all level
Standing and balancing poses with longer holds in this vinyasa flow style class
Shoulder Opening
to release tension in the neck and upper back
beginner/all level
25 minutes
Slow moving to soften tight neck, upper back muscles and shoulders